Sunday, December 29, 2019

Women Of The Civil War - 885 Words

For women in the 1860s it was predictable wisdom that a â€Å"woman’s place is in the home,† but the Civil War challenged this view (Civil War Academy, 2015). There were many women who played an important role in the Civil War. It is normal to think the Civil War was a man’s fight. However during the war, many women challenged the role of the women and took on different roles. While the men marched off to war, the women had to work hard and try to provide for their families. Women became doctors, spies, nurses, couriers, and even soldiers. Both the Union and Confederate armies did not allow the enlistment of women. The women soldiers assumed the role of the man. By disguising themselves as a man, they took up arms and charged into battle (Blanton, 1993, p. 1). It is estimated that about four hundred women disguised their selves to be men and fight in the war (Righthand, 2011). Each of these women had their own reasons to fight, some did it for the salary to support their families, others for the loyalty to the cause, and some just for the excitement. In the words of Sarah Edmonds Seelye, also known as Franklin Flint Thompson of the 2nd Michigan Infantry: I could only thank God that I was free and could go forward and work, and I was not obliged to stay at home and weep. Seelye holds the honor of being the only woman to receive a veteran s pension after the war (as cited in Smith, 2014 para. 4). At the beginning of the war, there few trained nurses in the civilian life andShow MoreRelatedWomen In The Civil War1674 Words   |  7 Pagesï » ¿ Women Who Fought In the Civil War Submitted By: Tierahnee Balfour History 2010 Enhanced Mrs. Teresa Prober 19 October 2012 It is an accepted convention that the Civil War was a man’s fight, but to the women in that time period, it was not. Many women sacrificed their lives to fight for their family and for their country. The Civil War is symbolic in American history because it shaped society, as we know it today, â€Å"Free of slavery†. During the Civil War, women were mostlyRead MoreWomen Of The Civil War1553 Words   |  7 PagesWomen of the Civil War The Civil War is a very important part of American history – simply put, it determined what kind of nation the United States would be. The Civil War resolved whether the United States is what determined the survival of the Union or whether the Confederacy would gain independence. It is the battle that determined whether the largest slaveholding country in the world would continue to exist as such since it thrived on the fundamental idea that â€Å"all men are created with an equalRead MoreWomen in Civil War1004 Words   |  5 PagesWomen, Slaves, and Free Blacks in the Civil War What roles did the Northern women play in the war effort on the Union side during the Civil War? What roles did the Southern women play in the war effort on the Confederate side during the Civil War? How did the war affect each group? â€Å"There were just shy of 400 documented cases of women who served as soldiers during the Civil War, according to the records of the Sanitary Commission.† (Brown, 2012) Women during the 19th century, according toRead MoreWomen Of The Civil War1720 Words   |  7 Pagesthe Civil War, it was erected to make sure the men would not have died in vain, and after reading it I could not help but to ask myself, â€Å"Are we to let the women?† Kids will learn of the Civil War starting in elementary school, and will continue to do so as far as their education leads them. They will learn of the brave men who fought for their beliefs and rights, brother who fought against brother, and the men who led these soldiers into battle. There is, however, one side of the Civil War whichRead MoreWomen Of The Civil War1329 Words   |  6 PagesWhen we think of the Civil War, many think of the sacrifices and influences of the men during this time. Women of the Civil War however, were also active participants of making history. Their lives before the war were that of being proper. Their focus was working to maintain and support their families. The Civil War stol e away the life as women knew it and placed them into a whole different role- one that was much more difficult both physically and emotionally. Women of both the North and theRead MoreWomen Of The Civil War1739 Words   |  7 PagesWomen without a doubt have dealt with a large portion of the inequality that rules this nation. But the military has always been accepting of others. This is a way for women to make great livable wages and maintain a steady occupation. Women being in the military dates all the way back to the civil war. During the times of the civil war many women pretended to be men so they could join and fight for a variety of different reasons. Some went to war to be with their loved ones, they had this thrillRead MoreWomen During The Civil War1049 Words   |  5 PagesFor Civil War women in the 1860s it was predictable wisdom that a â€Å"woman’s place is in the home,† but the Civil War challenged this view. There were many women who played an importa nt role in the Civil War. It is normal to think the Civil War was a man’s fight. However during the war, many women challenged the role of the women and took on different roles. While the men marched off to war, the women had to work hard and try to provide for their families. Women became doctors, spies, nurses, couriersRead MoreWomen During The Civil War1523 Words   |  7 Pagesthe Civil War, some of the more notable names were: Ulysses S. Grant, Thomas â€Å"Stonewall† Jackson, and George Custer. These names are synonymous with great generals who fought great battles during the war, but what about Sarah Emma Edmonds, Clara Burton, Dorthea Dix, Rose O’Neal Greenhow, and Loreta Janeta Velazquez? These names are not as known as their male counterparts, but these ladies of the Civil War Era did their part to aide their respective sides in the war. What these and other women didRead MoreWomen During The Civil War1388 Words   |  6 PagesThe Civil War altered t he lives of women, in both the North and South, just as it altered the nation as a whole. Although it is irrefutable that both the North and the South felt the wrath of the war, the South encountered a unique set of troubles that caused the weight of the war to fall predominantly on Southern women. Attempting to understand the experiences of all Southern women during the Civil War does not come without its challenges. It is impossible to connect the stories and experiencesRead MoreWomen Of The American Civil War1499 Words   |  6 Pageswonderful history of the â€Å"Women of the Slaveholding South in the American Civil War†. This informative study allows the reader to get a look into the life of privileged white women of the south. Faust uses diaries, political documents, newspapers and personal letters, to give the reader to experience things through the eyes and in the words of the women themselves. Faust presents a number of southern women whose lives were changed by the societal upheavals caused by the civil war. The book, proficiently

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Essay on Assisted Suicide and the Right to Die - 2282 Words

Assisted Suicide and the Right to Die The basic dilemma surrounding the subject of assisted suicide is who has the right to choose when someone dies? There are many layers of questions and varying opinions surrounding this right. How can our own self-determination be considered morally wrong when taken in the context of the opinion of others? In a society that stresses individual freedoms why is it that Congress continues to hinder doctor-assisted suicide (Keminer, 2000, p. 8)? First some terms require clarification. Suicide is considered the intentional killing of ones self. Homicide is determined to be the intentional killing of one person by another (Savulescu, 1978, p. 31). Euthanasia (Greek: good death) is the†¦show more content†¦The question then becomes, how far do individual rights go in view of society as a whole? One of the primary arguments in opposition to legalizing physician-assisted suicide is that there is no effective way of constraining the practice so as to provide adequate protections for the poor and the weak. There have been no hard facts to support whether this problem exists or persists. Until more data is accumulated this argument is moot. The practice of physician assisted suicide is not really suicide at all. There seems to be four distinct types of cases that deal with doctor-assisted suicide. The first is when life-saving treatment is discontinued. This includes shutting off or removing a patient from equipment used in keeping the individual alive-including both feeding and other equipment to prolong an individuals life. The second case involves not being placed on life saving equipment initially. The third type is that the patient requests a lethal drug or drug dosage, which he can take at a time of his choosing. The fourth case type is when a patient is incapable of taking the drug himself and asks the physician to administer it. The first two cases are legally permitted in the United States. They are also, by societal consensus, considered morally acceptable. The doctor must ensure the lucid mental state of the patient and thatShow MoreRelatedThe Right to Die in Assisted Suicide2517 Words   |  11 PagesInitial Thoughts on Physician Assisted Suicide (February 28th, 2013) The promotion of physician assisted suicide has sparked a debate throughout the world. From my point of view, assisted suicide is doctors assist patients who could not endure the pain of diseases and are voluntarily given lethal amount of substances resulting in death. However, physician assisted suicide might be considered to be deviant in many countries currently due to the religions, laws and the negative image. AlsoRead MoreAssisted Suicide And The Right Of Die Essay1792 Words   |  8 PagesAssisted Suicide and the Right to Die Assisted suicide and the right to die has been a controversial topic in both society and the medical field. Many people are against assisted suicide due to religious or personal beliefs. This topic has many viewpoints and different reasons behind its position. These viewpoints vary from person to person, but only some main points can be covered. Most people feel that assisted suicide and the right to die should be only limited to people who are terminallyRead MoreThe Right to Die with Dignity: Physician Assisted Suicide Essay examples781 Words   |  4 PagesPhysician assisted suicide should be a choice of the patient in Florida. There has long been a debate on Physician assisted suicide in the state of Florida, and in many other US states. The government has the burden on whether to pass an initiative on allowing physician assisted suicide. The Right to die initiative is decided on a state by state basis. Physician-assisted suicide is defined as a physician providing either equipment or medication, or to inform the patient of the most availableRead MoreThe Death Of Terminally Ill919 Words   |  4 PagesAs Americans, we are granted rights in this country and these rights, according to the Declaration of Independence, grant us â€Å"Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness†. So tell me why someone that is terminally ill cannot use these rights to end their life of pain and suffering. Some states have rallied and given those who are terminally ill the right to die. However, some simply see this means of ending a life, inhumane, unethical, immoral, and just plain wrong. As a citizen of the United StatesRead MoreEuthanasia And Physician Assisted Suicide1629 Words   |  7 Pagesdeath will be like. Will death be peaceful or painful? How will our death affect the ones we love? It would seem that most people would desire to die with dignity. Having the choice to die peacefully is a valuable option that every human should be able to make for themselves. For those with terminal illnesses or major health problems, assisted suicide creates options to reduce the amount of suffering the patient must enduring. Dying with dignity could be beneficial for not only the person who isRead MoreThe Right to Commit Physician-Assisted Suicide1685 Words   |  7 PagesThe Right to Commit Physician-Assisted Suicide Physician-assisted suicide is suicide by a patient facilitated by means or information (as a drug prescription or indication of the lethal dosage) provided by a physician who is aware of how the patient intends to use such means or information (â€Å"Physician-assisted suicide†). Physician-assisted suicide should be accessible to the incurably ill patient. Allowing a patient to have this freedom could, for one, bypass tremendous pain and suffering.Read MoreThe Euthanasia Is The Act Of Ending One s Own Life1530 Words   |  7 Pagessuffering from a terminal illness or an incurable condition. Euthanasia is different from physician assisted suicide in that with euthanasia, the doctor is the one who provides and administers the life ending drugs, and in physician assisted suicide, the doctor can only provide the drugs. A big difference between the two is that euthanasia is illegal in all states; while, physician assisted suicide is legal in only five states in America. Having the option to end one’s own life when the pain and sufferingRead MoreShould Physician Assisted Suicide Be Allowed?895 Words   |  4 Pages The â€Å"right to die† debate is a very sensitive and complex issue in modern culture. While suicide is a legal act in the United States, assisted suicide is not. Opinions on the subject are shaped by countless factors such as ethical issues, social issues, and primarily religious issues. Many people are opposed to the legalization of physician assisted suicide for â€Å"moral† reasons, however, legalization ultimately allows terminally ill people to die with dignity, sustains basic human rights, and supportsRead MoreThe Rights Of Assisted Suicide Essay1584 Words   |  7 PagesThe Right To Die With Dignity Assisted suicide is the act of committing suicide with the help of another person or doctor, most commonly referred to as Physician Assisted Suicide. It is currently legal in Oregon, Washington, Vermont, Montana, California, and Colorado. Considering the increase of people dying from terminal illnesses, assisted suicide should be legalized across the nation. People that suffer from a terminal illness that can’t be cured or treated and will result in death have the rightRead MoreIs The Amendment Number 9 Assisted Suicide?1719 Words   |  7 PagesAmendment Number 9 Assisted Suicide. Assisted suicide is â€Å"the suicide of a patient suffering from an incurable disease, affected by the taking of lethal drugs provided by a doctor for this purpose† (Oxford Living Dictionaries). This falls under the 9th Amendment; the 9th Amendment â€Å"was part of the Bill of Rights that was added to the Constitution on December 15, 1791. It says that all the rights not listed in the C onstitution belong to the people, not the government. The rights of the people are

Friday, December 13, 2019

The water cycle Free Essays

The water cycle, also known as the hydrologic cycle or H2O cycle, describes the continuous movement of water on, above and below the surface of the Earth. Water can change states among liquid, vapour, and ice at various places in the water cycle. Although the balance of water on Earth remains fairly constant over time, individual water molecules can come and go. We will write a custom essay sample on The water cycle or any similar topic only for you Order Now The water moves from one reservoir to another, such as from river to ocean, or from the ocean to the atmosphere, by the physical processes of evaporation, condensation, precipitation, infiltration, runoff, and subsurface flow.In so doing, the water goes through different phases: liquid, solid, and gas. The hydrologic cycle also involves the exchange of heat energy, which leads to temperature changes. For instance, in the process of evaporation, water takes up energy from the surroundings and cools the environment. Conversely, in the process of condensation, water releases energy to its surroundings, warming the environment. The water cycle figures significantly in the maintenance of life and ecosystems on Earth.Even as water in each reservoir plays an important role, the water cycle brings added significance to the presence of water on our planet. By transferring water from one reservoir to another, the water cycle purifies water, replenishes the land with freshwater, and transports minerals to different parts of the globe. It is also involved in reshaping the geological features of the Earth, through such processes as erosion and sedimentation. In addition, as the water cycle involves heat exchange, it exerts an influence on climate as well.EVAPORATION-The transformation of water from liquid to gas phases as it moves from the ground or bodies of water into the overlying atmosphere. [4] The source of energy for evaporation is primarily solar radiation. Evaporation often implicitly includes transpiration from plants, though together they are specifically referred to as evapotranspiration. Total annual evapotranspiration amounts to approximately 505,000  km3 (121,000 cu  mi) of water, 434,000  km3 (104,000 cu  mi) of which evaporates from the oceans CONDENSATION-The transformation of water vapor to liquid water droplets in the air, creating clouds and fog. 7] TRANSPIRATION-The release of water vapor from plants and soil into the air. Water vapor is a gas that cannot be seen. Human activities that alter the water cycle include: * agriculture * industry * alteration of the chemical composition of the atmosphere * construction of dams * deforestation and afforestation * removal of groundwater from wells * water abstraction from rivers * urbanization How to cite The water cycle, Papers